
Brand Marketing

Content Maestro

Do You Really Understand Your Brand?

If you're your organization's content strategist, marketing manager, social media guru or community developer, I don't think I need to explain the importance of your brand, or the absolute necessity of promoting it. This may be one of the few things on which us Chief Storytellers and Captain's of Company Recognition can agree, that our goal is to get what's being promoted on the minds, mouths and facebook pages of our target audiences.

And there are only about 1,000 different ways of doing so, courtesy of the seventeen best marketing for advertisers guide to social media success only if you don't read the five rules of creative strategies for business; so I really don't even need to delve into this topic, either.

My message is so much more basic, fundamental really. It's the dire importance of not only knowing your brand, but understanding and embracing it.

To be perfectly candid, when I began working at Briteskies, not only did I believe that its brand didn't make sense, but that no one else understood it either. As it happened, I was correct about the latter, but it was purely my unwillingness to get to know it and love it that left it flat-lined on the table. There I was, Briteskies' Surgeon of Sounding-off, and I was letting our brand die.

What I was unaware of, much like our clients, industry partners and colleagues, was that there was a very specific reason that our owner chose the aspects of our brand which are still used today, such as our twitter profile image for @nobrowncow, the handle itself and the phrase Not another Brown Cow. It was this cow concept I wasn't sure made sense; what in the heck did it have to do with eCommerce solutions, systems integration or IT consulting?

Because I didn't and believe most of you still don't know, allow me to explain. Seth Godin penned Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable. In it, he explains that to be a thriving, successful business, a company must find a way to differentiate itself from the herd. In a pasture of brown cow companies, yours must be obnoxiously conspicuous; purple in his case, white with orange spots in ours. As goals of Briteskies: to be the best eCommerce development and design house, to offer the smartest integration strategies and IT consulting services, while being known at the same time for our customer service, it simply made sense to select Godin's cow as our mascot and logo. All things being equal in the realm of internet products and services, we as an organization continually strive to buck trends, and our little orange and white Holstein is a visual representation of that; we truly are Not Another Brown Cow.

Knowing the context from which your brand was derived will only make your job a bit easier, your life a bit more simple. So to you Content Coordinators of Chaos: know and understand your brand. If you really get it, and love it, your audiences will too.

To learn more about branding, marketing, eCommerce, Briteskies or any of our many services, be sure to follow @nobrowncow, or simply contact us.

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