
IBM i is seemingly impervious, however there are features that can expose the system to risks. Features like QSHELL, the IFS, and webservices share platform applications with Linux and Windows systems which, as illustrated by the WannaCry ransomware attack, can leave your system vulnerable. How can you make sure your site is secure?

what is an ibm i security assesment?

Our IBM i Security Assessment starts with a review by our team, including an IBM i-savvy CISSP. We conduct interviews with key admins, developers, and executives and gather necessary information before diving into a working checklist that gets into the technical details.

what does it include?

This checklist includes everything from a review of your company information security policy to network and physical security, as well as your disaster recovery plan. We then take a thorough review of the security configuration of the IBM i system. We take a deep dive into the technology setup, including user profiles, group profiles, security auditing, HMC security, system values, and others. 

what happens next?

After the on-site review, our team puts together an assessment of what we found; the good, bad, and indifferent. This assessment includes a review of the findings, a rating of how the current systems are performing, and recommendations of industry best practices to apply moving forward.

An IBM i Security Assessment is your answer!

Past Luck Does Not Equal Future Security

Just because you haven’t had any security issues in the past doesn’t mean you are properly safeguarded for the future.

Protect Your Sensitive Information

You’re dealing with a system that stores financial and payroll data, HR data including social security numbers, and other sensitive information. 

Security Threats Exist

While IBM i itself is not directly susceptible to Windows viruses, the Integrated File System (IFS) can store and distribute Windows malware connected to PCs.

But as cyber-attacks become more and more commonplace, IT security needs to become a higher priority for everyone, including those running the seemingly impervious IBM i.

 IBM i Security Assessment reviews:

Existing information security policy 
IBM i system values 
User profiles and groups 
Object authority 
Integrated File System (IFS) 
PC access via other protocols (FTP, ODBC, etc.) 
Security Event auditing 
Security Event monitoring 
Ongoing security administration 
HMC security 
Network security
Physical security 
Disaster recovery 


Ransomware attacks have been documented on the IBM i server, and IBM i security experts consider the threat to be increasing. 


Automatic Windows and PC updates are crucial. Keeping malware off your computer is the first line of defense in keeping your IFS and IBM i safe. 


Following best security practices for IBM i can help lessen your chances of being attacked. Be sure that only truly critical users have access to file systems. 

Because of IBM i's stellar performance reputation, many IT shops let security slide down on the list of priorities. Who would you rather have assess your risk: us or the hackers?

We pride ourselves on our commitment to building long-term relationships and earning our clients’ trust. In a recent customer survey, our team scored 4.4/5 on business relationship satisfaction.