
How IBM Tealeaf Can Benefit Your Customer's User Experience

Hannah Gierosky
December 2014

Tealeaf_IBMFew aspects of a successful eCommerce site are as difficult to master as customer experience. As a retailer, it can be difficult to track this elusive factor’s successes and failures. This information can be incredibly powerful, however, especially as the marketing world is seeing a growing demand for predictive customer intelligence. These intelligence solutions can determine real-time recommendations during web interactions for each individual customer, driving sales and increasing customer satisfaction.

Gaining knowledge over your customers’ experiences on your site can also help address ways to increase revenue, reduce customer churn, and decrease production support costs. One way to gather this information is by using IBM Tealeaf.

Tealeaf is a Customer Experience Management software that captures website interaction from the user's perspective. The line of various Tealeaf products captures, analyzes and even replays the details of a customer’s visit in order to find site errors. It allows the business owner to better understand how transaction failures impact their business processes and, in turn, provides insight into how to fix them.

As Robert Wenig, the Founder and CTO of Tealeaf, says in this video, Tealeaf “provides visibility into what each and every user does on your site, as if there were a camera over their shoulder.” This visibility helps to constantly improve the customer experience.

Problems Faced on an eCommerce Site

Let’s say your site sells athletic equipment and a customer comes to you in search of a new bike. They easily navigate through your site and make a selection based on product descriptions and reviews. Your site has worked exactly as planned as your customer places their chosen bike in their online cart and proceeds to checkout. But, somewhere in the checkout process, your customer abandons their purchase. You have lost the sale, but you don’t know why. The problem is a lack of visibility into the buyer’s journey through your site. While your team can make educated guesses into the reasoning behind this failed purchase, you may never know for sure what happened. Did the customer simply change their mind, or was there a technical problem that prevented the sale from closing? Tealeaf takes the guesswork out of the problem-solving process by providing a view of the customer’s shopping experience.

How Does Tealeaf Address Those Problems?

The Tealeaf Customer Experience Management tools provide insight into these issues through two modes: reactive and proactive.

In reactive mode, a customer calls in with an issue, for example: the site crashed during the checkout process. Customer service or IT can replay the customer’s session and find out exactly what he saw on his screen during his visit, as well as the scenario that caused it. This allows customer service to view the issue from the customer’s point of view.

As a developer, this is an invaluable resource that saves the development team hundreds of hours of trying to reproduce production issues. Once an issue has been confirmed, Tealeaf is able to track the severity of the problem depending on if it is an isolated issue or something that is affecting many customers.

In proactive mode, a customer service or marketing team member can find where in the process a customer may have abandoned the site and then contact them directly. By acknowledging where something went wrong in the process or sending promotional emails, Tealeaf can help entice a customer back to your site to complete a purchase.

This strategy allows businesses to optimize the value of each customer visit, increase customer service effectiveness, and gain visibility into issues and therefore quickly identify and resolve them.

The Benefits of Using Tealeaf

Utilizing customer perspective can lead to a number of potential benefits, such as:

  • Increase revenue: remove site experience obstacles to improve conversion rates and transaction sizes
  • Reduce customer churn: quickly see and understand customer issues for faster, more effective resolution
  • Decrease production support costs: dramatically reduce the time spent identifying and resolving website errors
  • Significantly reduce customer dispute investigations: retrieve archived records of actual customer experiences to swiftly resolve customer concerns
  • Build enterprise-wide customer experience competency: create a common language and feedback loop across e-business stakeholders


Tealeaf image via Wikipedia

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