
LinkedIn Best Practices

December 2016

LinkedIn is the top social media platform used by B2B companies to generate leads and network with other business professionals. LinkedIn is no longer just a website for people to put out their resumes in hopes of obtaining a job. There are so many opportunities for B2B organizations to utilize their LinkedIn page to help generate leads that can turn into customers. 

Tips to Spruce up Your LinkedIn page 

Cover Photo

Why is this important? Because it grabs the attention of those who are visiting your page. Whether this visitor already follows your page or only happened upon it, an eye catching photo can do a lot keep the attention of those who are taking a look at your LinkedIn profile.

Another reason why a cover photo has importance is because it can create a personality for your page. There is only so much personalization that can be done with a LinkedIn profile and it's crucial to use any opportunity like that to your advantage. If you take a look at some of the top LinkedIn pages you’ll notice that their cover photo gives a sense of who they are as a company and really makes it personal for someone visiting the page. This is the same for showcase pages as well.

A showcase page cover photo should be different from the homepage, but also express that this is the same company, just another great aspect of it. Cover photos can do a lot to intrigue potential customers and give you a starting point to differentiate yourself from competitors.


Now that you caught the attention of someone looking at your page, you want to reel them in with everything you can. This starts with the description of your company and what unique services you can offer. The description should be concise and to the point. If there is too much wording and fluff, a prospect may become overwhelmed or bored.

In this day and age, our society moves quickly. We don’t want to stop for long, but keep moving on to the next bigger and better item. The description should be about one to two paragraphs; highlighting who your company is and what you can offer others.  


Content is the most important aspect of your LinkedIn page. This is where prospects can receive a better look at who you are as a company and for your followers to stay up to date on all of the work your company is doing. The recent updates area is a perfect place to share blog posts from your own website. LinkedIn is an ideal place for this because you are sharing with those in the industry who understand what the content is talking about.

LinkedIn is a great resource to easily reach your target customers with your content. Post information that will interest your followers and keep them informed about new updates, trends, and tips within the industry. Make sure to add relevant photos and eye-catching graphic design to create more of an impact. Update your content often and post frequently to increase the amount of prospects looking at your page.

Showcase Pages

Finally, utilize showcase pages more effectively. If your company has different channels, sub-companies, or different products, showcase pages are the perfect place for you to post content about those items. While it's great to have everything your company does in one place, that can create a lot of information for someone to look through all at once. It can make the content overwhelming and hard to sift through. If you were to create a sub-group showcase page for your company, you could post anything related to that group right on your showcase page and followers would know where to find it.

Showcase pages are also great because if a customer is only interested in one part of your company, they can follow that page directly without having to follow the main page. Also, if someone does land on a showcase page, this will lead directly back to the main company where they can learn more about who you are, which is where the cover photo, description, and content all come into play. Showcase pages are just another way for you to show off the many layers of your company and all you have to offer.  

And if you’re not already utilizing LinkedIn, then you should jump on the bandwagon right away! Currently, LinkedIn is the top social media platform used to generate leads for B2B organizations. It has everything you need all in one place. It’s great for interacting with those interested in your industry and can help to grow your business the way you want it to grow.

Do you need some assistance in establishing your LinkedIn marketing strategy? Contact our team.

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