
JD Edwards Cafe One: An Overview

Hannah Gierosky

With all of the updates and new tools that were introduced with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 9.1.5, it can be easy to overlook other powerful, previously released tools. One of those tools is Cafe One. No longer simply a theory, this tool is now available to EnterpriseOne users. But what is Cafe One? Why should you implement it in your business?


What is Cafe One?

JD Edwards’ Composite Application Framework, or Cafe One, allows users to assemble JD Edwards applications, web applications, and business intelligence-based applications into one screen. It allows users to take the JDE interface and plug in other applications to run simultaneously within the interface window.

This gives the end user a completely personalized display to improve their business productivity and user experience without the use of third-party software or involvement from development.

Why Should You Implement Cafe One?

Cafe One works best when completing a business process that involves many different business, JDE and web applications.

For example, let’s say you are the transportation manager for a company that ships produce in temperature-controlled trucks. Using Cafe One, you would be able to pull together information on the delivery and its contents, quality control information containing the truck’s current temperature, and the truck’s location on Google Maps, all in one display.

Or, consider the example given in this JD Edwards Cafe One instructional video. If the Human Resources Manager wanted to get an update on an employee who is on leave, they can easily open a Cafe One display containing the employee’s leave information, their entry in the employee master grid, their detailed employee master data, and the employee’s compensation information. All of this information includes data from three separate JDE HCM applications, but Cafe One displays them simultaneously.

For any business process that requires information from multiple sources, Cafe One can help save time and improve the user experience. 

So, have you put Cafe One to work yet? We would love to hear about your experience.  

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