
Learning About the Tech Industry with Briteskies

Jack Rhine

Jack_Rhine.jpgOur commitment to stretch, learn, and grow here at Briteskies doesn't just apply to full-time team members; it extends to those who look to us as a source of information as well. For Jack Rhine, that meant working with the Briteskies team to expand his tech knowledge as part of his Senior Project. Read on to hear about his experience. 

I have been interested in learning more about how computers work since I was young. My dad is a programmer and has taught me a lot over the years. I was really happy when, as a sophomore at Brush High School, I was accepted into the Informational Technology and Programming Program offered through Mayfield Excel TECC.

The Excel Technical Education Career Consortium program gives students a chance to learn more about a field they might be interested in going into in the future. During my Junior and Senior years of high school I was able to spend a half day at my home school taking the typical required classes for graduation and then the other part of the day I spent learning about the Information Technology Field.

During my senior year I was given the option of completing a senior project related to our classwork. Fortunately, I learned that I could spend time at Briteskies working with the Magento Team under the supervision of Derrik Nyomo. I appreciated the opportunity to spend time in a real work environment and gain some experience.

One thing that stuck out to me on my first day was the atmosphere in the office. Even though I was familiar with the company (because my mom works there), it was still a little surprising to see just how friendly the atmosphere was.

To be honest, I was a little nervous when I walked in to the office that first day; I wasn’t sure what to expect or how they would react to me being there since I was just a high school student. Matt Trimmer, who I had met a few years ago at a Briteskies family function, cracked a joke that made me realize that I didn’t have any reason to be nervous. Derrik and Gian Genovesi, the Magento Team Lead, also took me out to lunch the first day and set me up with a laptop and my own work space, all of which helped me feel welcomed.

During my time at Briteskies I did a wide variety of tasks ranging from setting up a development site for the Briteskies website, to setting up servers and backup servers, to sitting in on a lot of meetings, all of which helped me to broaden my skillset. I am looking forward to going to college in the fall, completing my degree, and one day finding a job in the IT field. I am thankful to Briteskies for giving me this opportunity.

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