
Magento Digital Commerce Cloud for B2B

Hannah Gierosky
September 2017

magento digital commerce cloud b2b.jpgWe know that Magento is a great choice for B2B organizations, and one of the things that makes it so great is Magento’s continuing dedication to improving the platform for B2B users. One of those improvements was announced at Imagine back in April: Magento Digital Commerce Cloud for B2B.

Already considered the worldwide leader in cloud digital commerce innovation, this development brings new capabilities to B2B manufacturers and distributors that will help them transform and grow. Magento Digital Commerce Cloud for B2B has out-of-the-box capabilities that allow merchants to handle B2B commerce requirements and enable them to adapt business models to meet the needs of digitally-connected customers. 

We have talked before about the importance of providing B2B customers with a B2C-like shopping experience, and this new offering helps B2B Magento users do exactly that. As Jason Woosley, SVP of product and technology at Magento said, “The dynamics for B2B companies are rapidly changing, driven by customers who want convenient, seamless, self-service options that B2C companies have long understood.”

These dedicated B2B capabilities and a fully-packaged product for B2B-specific use cases further differentiates Magento Commerce’s B2B offering. Features include:

  • Corporate account management to support sales to corporate accounts with buyers of varying levels, roles, and permissions.
  • Quick ordering to drive recurring revenue. Customers can enter or upload lists of SKUs, use requisition lists, copy previous orders, or execute rapid reorders.
  • Custom catalogs and pricing to ensure that customers receive the right products and pricing information based on their company or customer group.
  • Multi-channel support to boost efficiency and create a more consistent brand experience by serving B2B and B2C customers and multiple brands on the same platform.

Additionally, the Magento Digital Commerce Cloud for B2B is easy to integrate to backend systems to enable real-time communications with your organization’s ERP.

Are you interested in leveraging Magento’s B2B capabilities for your organization? Contact our team of Magento experts to get started.

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