
Our Magento Developer is a Magento Community Contributor

Hannah Gierosky
August 2017

navarr pull request.jpgCongratulations to our own Navarr Barnier, whose external pull request made him a Community Contributor for the 2.1.8 release of Magento Commerce!

While working on a client project in Magento 2.1.8, Navarr discovered a small error. Nearly every product in this client’s catalog required a list of either child products or custom options. While working on these lists, Navarr discovered that the drag and drop function for changing the order of these lists was not working correctly.

When editing these lists, you should be able to drag and drop any item to another position on the list. What Navarr discovered, however, was that he could not drag any of the lower items into the top spot. While he could still drag the top item lower on the list, it was impossible to drag anything else into that spot. This was, admittedly, more of an annoyance than a case of functionality being completely broken, but it still warranted submitting a pull request.

The pull request followed the typical process: Navarr submitted it, it was prioritized by Magento support and an internal ticket was made, a developer was assigned to review it, and then it was merged and resolved.

This pull request occurred right around the time that Magento started getting more serious about accepting community contributions. They also opened up the opportunity to make contributions to previous versions. So while Navarr’s original pull request for an issue discovered on 2.1.8 would have only been applied to 2.2, Navarr then had the opportunity to back port the change to 2.1.8 as well.  

Navarr’s message to other developers? Keep an eye out while working with Magento in the event you can contribute.

“Our open source customers access the software for free, so when we submit fixes we’re giving back for the value that our customers get,” Navarr said. “When the entire community helps contribute fixes it improves the software for everyone involved.”

Congratulations again, Navarr! And thanks to Magento for encouraging developers to be a part of the Magento community and contribute changes that benefit all users.

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