
Five Simple Tips for Converting B2B online leads into Sales

August 2017

In order for your B2B eCommerce site to be successful, and convert those online leads into sales you have to provide the customers with an online site experience that gives them what they want. Most customers are forthcoming with their eCommerce needs, but some can make for a more challenging site design process. Based on experience and research, we have shared some of the most important factors for creating a successful B2B eCommerce site that meets your customers' needs. 

5-tips-convert-b2b-leads-sales.jpgAccording to a recent Forrester/NetSuite Research Study, 42% of B2B retailers believe that over half of their customers will buy online in the next three years, to make this happen, you first need to convert leads into sales. In order to do this, your eCommerce site must be functional and visually appealing.  

The following five tips will make your B2B eCommerce site covert more leads to sales:  

Single Sign On:  

This allows the customer to sign in one time for the duration of their visit. The shorter the sign in process, the longer the customer will stay on the site. Customers do not like having to log on to numerous applications in order to access site content.  

Visually Appealing Site Design:  

If a customer does not like the layout of your site, they will bounce before even thinking about making a sale. The site design should be welcoming and easy to navigate.  

Account-Specific Dashboard Information:  

A specific dashboard for each client's needs draws more sales than a generic dashboard. Additionally, account-specific prices makes the buying decision easier for the customer since they do not have to search for their specific prices. 

Alternative Options Wizard: 

 Offer the customer a similar product if the one they are interested in is not available. This lessens the amount of customers leaving your site if the item they were looking for is not in stock. Customers should also have the opportunity to compare product specifications in order to find the product that suits their needs.  

We found success implementing a similar function on a customer's site. Showing similar products is beneficial to both the customer and the company as it helps move inventory while making sure the customer gets what they want.  

Simplify the Buying Process:  

Organize your site in a way that allows the customer to access every part of their purchase in one location. They should be able to see their product tracking information and confirmation details in an easily navigable order management page.  

Customers are used to shopping in a brick and mortar store and will feel more comfortable on your site if it feels as reliable as shopping in person.  

If you have any tips that have worked for your website redesign or are looking to implement a redesign for your B2B eCommerce site, contact one of our Magento Certified Developers!


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