
How an Internship led to a pet Dog

August 2017


You know your internship is great when they throw a party on your 21st birthday. Okay, so the party wasn't for me, it was our brand launch, but still, I'm claiming it as my birthday party.  

When I started my internship with Briteskies in May, I didn't know what to expect. All I knew was that the office was across the street from the Cleveland APL and that I would have to exercise great self-control to not adopt all of the animals. (Spoiler alert: I have no self-control and adopted a stunning boy-pup whom I named Remus (Remy) Lupin). 

I came into this position knowing absolutely nothing about Magento, JD Edwards, or HubSpot. To be completely honest, every time I wrote "Magento" in a document, my computer would autocorrect it to "Magneto", a subject I know a lot more about.  

This internship has provided me with content marketing experience, analytics training, a brief background on Magento and JD Edwards, detailed training in HubSpot, and the chance to use what I have learned in school in a real-world setting. I had the opportunity to create blogs, curate social media posts, and complete a large customer feedback project this summer.  

remy 3.jpgI am not going to lie, I thought that working at an eCommerce web development company would not be the place for me. I was picturing dark rooms full of developers and information that would go way over my head. But, Briteskies and the people I worked with were amazing and very helpful. I was given many responsibilities and never felt nervous to ask questions. I felt so welcomed at Briteskies, especially since I was included in the Briteskies Bachelorette Fantasy League, which I WON! 

This internship was a great experience for me, plus I got a pup out of it! I cannot thank Briteskies enough for giving me the opportunity to work with you this summer. I will miss working with you, competing in a reality tv show fantasy league, listening to Beyoncé daily, and enjoying the plethora of work snacks when I go back to school this fall.  

If you are looking for a marketing internship, I highly recommend contacting Briteskies!  And if you, like me, have no self-control/ love pups check out the Cleveland APL

A Great Offer, Just a Click Away

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