
Magento eCommerce Forum Wrap Up

Content Maestro
March 2013

The Magento eCommerce Forum in Cleveland

panorama ecommerce forum On Tuesday March 19th, Briteskies hosted its first-ever Magento eCommerce forum in Cleveland. Joined by Magento and partners PEER1 Hosting, PayPal and Bronto, attendees were given the opportunity to learn more about interactive marketing best practices, as well as the benefits of service providers whose applications and solutions are specifically designed for optimal Magento store performance. The weather was terrible, as it typically is in Cleveland this time of year, but it didn't stop merchants from all over Ohio from attending. ECF Welcome Bronto Deviating from a more-traditional seminar format, the Magento Forum instead places a strong emphasis on a question and answer and networking portions. So, while during the presentation merchants were taught about increasing site visits, conversions, average order values and customer lifetime values using Magento Enterprise and partner services, it was of a greater benefit that they could speak to each other about their own eCommerce challenges. Oftentimes on sales calls, potential clients will say "...I have a very unique/odd business process..." when it really isn't as out of the ordinary as they think.
"Being new to Magento, I wanted to start getting more insights about the platform, as well as to start networking with Magento users."
- J.C. Alexandres, Flower Factory

Equally beneficial were real-world illustrations of Briteskies' clients' challenges, and how they were solved with Magento. "When dealing with every aspect of their businesses: healthcare, payroll, customer inquiries, product management and investor relations, eCommerce functionality can appear as a monumental task to managers and owners. We aim to show online retailers that a platform to sell their products and grow their businesses is not only very possible, but simple to use and easily scaled." Bill Onion, Magento eCommerce Forum presenter and Managing Director at Briteskies. If you missed it, don't fret; Briteskies is planning on hosting another Magento eCommerce forum in the fall. Check out our event photos, and call us with any questions you might have about this event, future events, eCommerce or Magento.

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