What's in Store

Today, Monday April 8th, kicks off the official start of Imagine eCommerce: The Art of Commerce. Here's a glimpse of what over 1500 attendees, including merchants, developers and partners, can expect over the next few days.
Monday, April 8th
Today, everyone gets a chance to settle in, get acquainted with each other and start learning. The agenda includes activities such as developer certification testing, BarCamp and an SEO seminar designed specifically for merchants. The evening will close with Imagine's famed Opening Night Networking Event.
Tuesday, April 9th
The second day of Magento Imagine is when the event really kicks into high gear. After breakfast, folks will be filing into the highly anticipated keynote presentations. Some of this year's presenters include:
- Roy Rubin, @royrubin05, Co-Founder and COO at Magento
- John Donahoe, @Tallboy6, President and CEO at eBay, Inc.
- Steven Levitt, @StevenLevit, Economist, Co-Author of FREAKONOMICS
- Jeff Jordan, @jeff_jordan, Partner at Andreesson Horowitz
After another round of certification testing, breakout sessions on the subjects of technology, strategic marketing and business solutions will start. These chats will feature carefully selected speakers, each with a deep expertise in their respective fields. While the business events will wind down on the second day of Magento Imagine, attendees shouldn't be ready to call it a night just yet; the legendary Magento Imagine Evening Event begins at 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, April 10th
While activities may be slowing down, there are still plenty of breakout sessions to attend, networking to do and a sponsored luncheon, none of which should be missed. Check out the full, detailed agenda, and be sure to include a visit to Imagine Silver Sponsor Briteskies @nobrowncow, booth 42 in the marketplace.

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