
The Briteskies Wellness Program

Hannah Gierosky

old_timey_muscle_manEvery Friday, an email pops up in inboxes around the Briteskies office: the weekly Friday Fit Tip. A part of the Briteskies Wellness Program, the Friday Fit Tip email is full of quick ideas to help make everyone just a little healthier. 

The Wellness Program began as a Business Continuity Team effort. Rosie Biggs, our Office Manager, and Stefanie Rhine, our Business Continuity Manager, started the program to promote health awareness. It began with annual flu shots and occasional chair massages, but really took off when both Rosie and Stefanie started making a conscious effort to improve their own health.

After committing to a healthy lifestyle about two years ago, Rosie was able to lose 40 pounds. Stefanie asked Rosie to share some of her tips and tricks with the rest of the office, and the Wellness Program was born.

“I had to make a change in my own life before I could promote anything to others,” Rosie said. “I thought it would be cool to share what I had learned with the team.”

The ultimate goal of the Wellness Program is to encourage others to take on a healthier lifestyle. That leads to fewer ailments and doctor visits, which in turn benefits the company.

“My favorite part is encouraging others with the ideas that work for me. Last year we had people write down everything they ate, which helps me, and if it worked for me it can work for anybody!” Rosie said.

Other past initiatives have included the 2013 Color Run 5K in Akron and last fall’s Take the Stairs Challenge, as well as providing healthy snacks in the office.

“The stair climbing competition was fun and we gave out awards for that. People tend to like competition, so if there’s a reward they are more likely to get involved.”

As for the Friday Fit Tips, Rosie turns to Pinterest for inspiration. She keeps a fitness board and pulls tips and ideas from there.

“I try to incorporate serious health tips as well as fun stuff, so it is not just boring tips like eating healthy and working out. I try to make it a little entertaining.”

Although it can be tough to organize events when nearly half the staff works off site, Rosie sees only growth for the future of the Wellness Program. In fact, she already has a pedometer challenge lined up for November.

Our waistlines thank you for all you do to keep the office healthy, Rosie!

Image from the Library of Congress via Flickr. 

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