
Gearing Up for Imagine 2015

Hannah Gierosky

Magento Imagine is just around the corner, and our team is getting excited! Gian Genovesi and Derrik Nyomo will be representing Briteskies at Imagine this year and, as veteran attendees, they are excited to see what this year’s batch of keynote speakers and breakout sessions has in store.imagine_2015

Magento 2 Deep Dive Sessions

Magento 2 Developer Beta was released back in December, and there are a number of breakout sessions dedicated to learning more about Magento 2 at Imagine. There are three Magento 2 Developer Deep Dive Sessions scheduled for Monday, April 20, as well as Office Hours with the Magento Development team. These sessions will cover everything from migrating themes to performance and scalability, and the office hours will give attendees the chance to ask specific questions of the Magento developers. You can check out the full agenda here. 


While the Magento 2 Deep Dive sessions are at the top of Derrik’s can’t-miss list, he is looking forward to a number of Magento Technical breakout sessions as well. Here is where you will find him:

  • End Your Code Deployment Nightmares: Christian Larsen, Chief Technical Officer at ANCHOR, will be discussing a new way of working with continuous and reliable workflows.
  • Aspirin for Your MySQL Headaches: With both Max Bubenick, Managed Services US Regional Lead at Percona, and Eugene Simpkins, System Administrator at Nexcess, leading this breakout session, is sure to have a lot of information about managing MySQL.
  • Show Me the Data: Integrate with Magento Data via API: Dima Soroka, Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Oro, Inc., is diving into Magento API for integration purposes.

Gian’s Presentation

Gian was chosen as one of this year’s breakout speakers and his session will cover some of our B2B eCommerce solutions. Titled B2B is the New Black: Don’t Leave Money on the Table, Gian’s presentation will talk about the importance of keeping up with changing B2B eCommerce trends. If you will be at Imagine, we would love to see you at Gian’s presentation! As if you needed more incentive to attend, you can enter for the chance to win a $250 chip.

You can read more about Gian’s presentation and his expectations of this year’s conference in this interview with AheadWorks, which also features other breakout speakers.

Will you be at Imagine? It promises to be a great time, and we would love to connect. You will find both Derrik and Gian at Gian’s presentation. For those of you that need some preparation reminders, reference our Magento Imagine Survival Guide.

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